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Quickcast #6: Developing Grails® 3 Applications with IntelliJ IDEA

By Jeff Scott Brown

January 20, 2017

Tags: #quickcast

Grails® 3 is a high-productivity framework for building web applications for the JVM.

IntelliJ IDEA is a high-productivity Integrated Development Environment (IDE) for building a variety of application types. IDEA has always had great support for building Grails applications and, in particular, has the best support of any IDE for developing with Grails 3.

In this 20-minute video, Grails framework co-founder, Jeff Scott Brown, introduces several tips and tricks related to building Grails 3 applications in IDEA.

Grails Quickcasts, brought to you through a partnership between Object Computing, Inc. (OCI) and DZone, provide bite-sized tutorials to help you maximize your productivity with the Framework.

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